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Hostinger DNS Nameservers: Easy Setup Tips for Beginners in 2024

What are DNS Nameservers?

Hosting DNS Nameservers

DNS nameservers, often simply referred to as nameservers, play a crucial role in directing internet traffic. When someone types a domain name, like “yourwebsite.com,” into a browser, the nameserver translates that human-readable domain into an IP address that the internet uses to route the request to the correct server. Essentially, DNS nameservers function as an intermediary between the domain name and the web server. They are essential in making sure visitors can access your website without needing to memorize a complex IP address.

When configuring Hostinger DNS nameservers, you are essentially telling the internet where to find your website on Hostinger’s servers. Properly setting up Hostinger DNS nameservers ensures that your domain is correctly linked to your hosting, making your website accessible to users worldwide.

Role of DNS Nameservers in Website Hosting

In website hosting, DNS nameservers are like the phonebook of the internet. They manage the translation of domain names into IP addresses, directing traffic to the appropriate hosting server where your website files are stored. Without correct DNS nameserver configuration, visitors won’t be able to find your website.

When you set up Hostinger DNS nameservers for your domain, you’re pointing the domain to Hostinger’s servers, ensuring that anyone entering your domain name reaches the correct server. If the DNS nameservers are misconfigured or not set, visitors may encounter errors like “Server Not Found” or “DNS Error.” In the context of hosting with Hostinger, ensuring that the Hostinger DNS nameservers are properly set is key to reliable website access and performance.

Moreover, DNS nameservers also help manage additional functions such as email routing, security protocols, and load balancing. If your website is hosted on Hostinger, using the correct Hostinger DNS nameservers ensures not only proper website accessibility but also that any subdomains, email configurations, and other DNS-related tasks are correctly handled.

Hostinger’s DNS Services Overview

Hostinger offers a user-friendly DNS management system that allows you to easily configure and manage your domain’s DNS settings. Whether you’re updating Hostinger DNS nameservers to point your domain to their servers or modifying DNS records like A, MX, or CNAME, Hostinger’s interface makes it straightforward for beginners and experts alike.

Once you purchase hosting with Hostinger, they provide the Hostinger DNS nameservers that need to be applied to your domain registrar. Hostinger typically provides two primary nameservers, and once they are set, it takes 24-48 hours for DNS propagation to occur worldwide, allowing users to access your website seamlessly.

Hostinger’s DNS services also allow for custom configurations, such as setting up email routing or adding security protocols like SPF or DKIM for email verification. By correctly managing your Hostinger DNS nameservers, you can optimize both your website’s performance and security.

By understanding and correctly configuring your Hostinger DNS nameservers, you’ll ensure that your website remains accessible and performs optimally across the web.

Fun Fact: “Hostinger’s DNS nameservers are distributed across multiple global locations, which helps ensure low latency and fast DNS resolution for users around the world.”

Understanding Hostinger DNS Nameservers

A. How Hostinger Handles DNS Management

Hostinger provides a simple, intuitive interface for DNS management, designed to make configuring and maintaining DNS settings straightforward, even for beginners. After registering a domain or setting up hosting, you will be given a pair of Hostinger DNS nameservers, which you must input into your domain registrar’s settings. Hostinger’s platform automatically integrates these nameservers with your hosting account, ensuring a seamless connection between your domain and server.

The DNS management area allows you to easily configure various DNS records, including A records (for IP addresses), MX records (for email), CNAME records (for subdomains), and TXT records (for security protocols like SPF and DKIM). With Hostinger DNS nameservers, all domain-related tasks like setting up emails, redirecting subdomains, or integrating external services are managed efficiently from a central location.

Hostinger also provides automatic DNS propagation tracking, meaning you can monitor when changes to your Hostinger DNS nameservers take full effect globally. This typically takes 24-48 hours, depending on the settings and location, and Hostinger keeps users updated on progress to ensure smooth transitions.

B. Benefits of Using Hostinger’s DNS Services

Using Hostinger DNS nameservers offers several advantages, especially for users hosting their websites on Hostinger’s servers. The most significant benefit is the optimized connection between your domain and hosting, ensuring fast and reliable website performance. Here are some key benefits:

Benefit 🌠 Description 📎
Easy Setup Hostinger’s DNS interface is beginner-friendly, making it easy to set up and modify Hostinger DNS nameservers even for those new to web hosting.
Improved Uptime and Reliability By correctly configuring Hostinger DNS nameservers, users benefit from Hostinger’s robust infrastructure, reducing the chances of downtime and improving overall reliability.
Fast DNS Propagation Hostinger’s DNS servers are optimized for quick propagation, ensuring that DNS changes are reflected faster across the globe compared to other providers.
Enhanced Security Hostinger includes features like DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) to protect against DNS attacks, providing an extra layer of security to your domain.
Seamless Email Integration Hostinger’s DNS system allows for easy configuration of MX records, making email setup simple and ensuring reliable email service connected to your domain.

By using Hostinger DNS nameservers, users can take advantage of Hostinger’s fast, reliable DNS infrastructure while keeping control over their DNS settings in an easy-to-use interface.

C. Key Features and Functionalities

Hostinger DNS nameservers come with several key features that make managing your domain’s DNS simple and efficient. Here are the primary features and functionalities:

Feature 💻 Description 📎
Custom DNS Records Management Hostinger’s DNS platform allows users to manage various DNS records, including A records (pointing your domain to an IP address), CNAME records (aliasing), and MX records (email routing). These records can be easily updated through the Hostinger DNS nameservers interface.
DNSSEC Support Hostinger offers DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) support to protect against DNS spoofing and cache poisoning attacks. This ensures that visitors are directed to the correct server, adding an extra layer of security and trust to your domain.
Fast DNS Propagation Hostinger’s global DNS network ensures faster propagation of changes. Updates to Hostinger DNS nameservers or DNS records propagate quickly across the internet, reducing downtime or lag.
Subdomain Management Hostinger facilitates easy creation and management of subdomains. Whether setting up a blog or an e-commerce store on a subdomain, Hostinger’s DNS system handles subdomain DNS records efficiently under the same DNS nameservers.
Automatic Backups and Monitoring Hostinger regularly backs up DNS settings, allowing you to revert changes if needed. This feature ensures that your DNS settings are safe and can be restored in case of accidental modifications.

By utilizing Hostinger DNS nameservers, users benefit from a powerful combination of speed, security, and ease of use. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, Hostinger’s DNS management system offers everything you need to keep your website running smoothly and securely.

Fun Fact: “Hostinger allows users to create custom nameservers for their domains, which can enhance branding and provide a more professional appearance for businesses.”

Setting Up Hostinger DNS Nameservers

A. Steps to Change Nameservers to Hostinger

Changing your nameservers to Hostinger involves a few key steps to ensure your domain correctly points to Hostinger’s servers. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do this:

Step 📅 Description 📝
Log In to Your Domain Registrar Account Access the account where your domain is registered (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc.).
Locate Domain Management Section Find the domain management or domain settings section. This is often listed as ‘My Domains,’ ‘Domain List,’ or ‘Manage Domains.’
Select the Domain Choose the domain name for which you want to update the DNS nameservers.
Find Nameserver Settings Look for an option related to nameserver settings, often labeled ‘DNS Management,’ ‘Nameservers,’ or ‘Custom DNS.’
Enter Hostinger DNS Nameservers Replace the existing nameservers with Hostinger’s provided nameservers. Typically, Hostinger will provide two nameservers, such as:
Save Changes Save or apply the changes to update your domain’s nameservers.
Wait for DNS Propagation DNS changes can take 24-48 hours to propagate fully. During this period, your domain may experience temporary inconsistencies.

By following these steps, you will have successfully pointed your domain’s DNS to Hostinger DNS nameservers.

B. Using Hostinger’s DNS Zone Editor

Hostinger provides a DNS Zone Editor to help you manage and configure various DNS records for your domain. Here’s how to use it:

Step 📅 Description 📝
Log In to Your Hostinger Account Access your Hostinger control panel by logging into your account on Hostinger’s website.
Navigate to DNS Zone Editor Go to the ‘Domains’ section in your control panel and select ‘DNS Zone Editor’ from the dropdown menu.
Select Your Domain Choose the domain you want to configure from the list of domains associated with your Hostinger account.
Add or Modify DNS Records Use the DNS Zone Editor to manage your DNS records:

  • A Records: Point your domain to an IP address.
  • CNAME Records: Set up subdomains.
  • MX Records: Configure email routing.
  • TXT Records: Add verification or other text-based records.
Enter the required information for each record and save the changes.
Review and Verify Changes Check the summary of current records provided by the DNS Zone Editor to ensure that all changes have been correctly configured.

Using Hostinger’s DNS Zone Editor allows you to manage your Hostinger DNS nameservers efficiently and configure your domain’s DNS settings to suit your needs.

C. Verifying Nameserver Changes

Once you’ve updated your Hostinger DNS nameservers, it’s important to verify that the changes have been correctly applied and propagated. Here’s how to check:

Step 📅 Description 📝
Use DNS Lookup Tools Employ online DNS lookup tools such as What’s My DNS or MXToolbox. Enter your domain name and verify that the returned nameservers match Hostinger’s.
Check Through Your Hostinger Account Log in to your Hostinger account and navigate to the ‘Domains’ section. Confirm that your domain shows the correct nameservers associated with Hostinger.
Monitor Propagation Status Use tools like DNS Checker to monitor the propagation status of your DNS changes. This will help you confirm when your Hostinger DNS nameservers have fully updated globally.
Check Website Functionality Visit your website to ensure it is loading correctly. Additionally, test other domain-related functions such as email to confirm that everything is working as expected.

By following these verification steps, you can ensure that your Hostinger DNS nameservers have been correctly set up and that your domain is functioning properly.

Fun Fact: “Hostinger provides an easy-to-use DNS management tool within its hPanel, allowing users to configure DNS records with a simple, intuitive interface.”

Managing DNS Records with Hostinger

A. Creating, Editing, and Deleting DNS Records

Managing DNS records is crucial for ensuring your website and related services function correctly. Hostinger provides a user-friendly DNS Zone Editor for handling these tasks:

Creating DNS Records

Step 📅 Description 📝
Log In to Hostinger Account Access your Hostinger control panel by logging into your account.
Navigate to DNS Zone Editor Go to the ‘Domains’ section and select ‘DNS Zone Editor’ from the dropdown menu.
Select Your Domain Choose the domain you want to manage from the list of domains associated with your Hostinger account.
Add New Record Click on the option to add a new record. Select the type of record you need (e.g., A, CNAME, MX).
Enter Record Details Provide the necessary details such as the record name, type, and value. For example, for an A record, enter the domain or subdomain and the IP address it should point to.
Save Changes Confirm and save the new record to apply the changes.

Editing DNS Records

Step 📅 Description 📝
Access DNS Zone Editor Navigate to the DNS Zone Editor in your Hostinger account.
Find the Record to Edit Locate the record you want to modify from the list of existing records.
Edit Record Click on the edit icon which is next to the record and then update all the necessary fields with the new information.
Save Changes Apply and save the changes to update the record.

Deleting DNS Records

Step 📅 Description 📝
Open DNS Zone Editor Access the DNS Zone Editor from your Hostinger control panel.
Select the Record to Delete Find the record you want to remove from the list.
Delete Record Click on the delete icon which is next to the record.
Confirm Deletion Confirm that you want to delete the record to remove it from the DNS settings.

By using Hostinger’s DNS Zone Editor, you can easily create, edit, and delete Hostinger DNS nameservers records to manage your domain’s DNS configuration effectively.

B. Common DNS Record Types (A, CNAME, MX, etc.)

Understanding common DNS record types is essential for proper DNS management. Here are some key types you may encounter:

DNS Record Type 💻 Purpose 📋 Example 📄
A Record (Address Record) Maps a domain or subdomain to an IPv4 address, allowing browsers to find your website. example.com points to
CNAME Record (Canonical Name Record) Redirects one domain or subdomain to another domain. Useful for aliasing multiple domains. www.example.com points to example.com
MX Record (Mail Exchange Record) Directs email to the correct mail server for the domain, facilitating email routing. example.com has an MX record pointing to mail.example.com
TXT Record (Text Record) Provides text information to external sources. Often used for verification purposes and email security (e.g., SPF, DKIM). A TXT record for SPF might be v=spf1 include:_spf.example.com ~all
NS Record (Name Server Record) Specifies the DNS servers responsible for managing the domain’s DNS records. example.com uses ns1.hostinger.com and ns2.hostinger.com
AAAA Record (IPv6 Address Record) Maps a domain to an IPv6 address, enabling access for IPv6-enabled devices. example.com points to 2001:db8::1
SRV Record (Service Record) Defines the location of specific services for the domain, such as VoIP or messaging services. _sip._tcp.example.com points to sipserver.example.com

C. Best Practices for DNS Record Management

Proper DNS record management ensures that your domain and related services operate efficiently. Below are some best practices to follow:

Best Practice 🔥 Description 📊
Regularly Review DNS Records Periodically check and update your DNS records to ensure they are current and accurate. Remove obsolete records that are no longer needed.
Use Descriptive Names Create DNS records with clear and descriptive names to avoid confusion. For example, use mail.example.com for MX records instead of generic names.
Implement TTL (Time to Live) Values Wisely Set appropriate TTL values for your DNS records. Lower TTL values enable faster updates but can increase DNS query traffic. Higher TTL values reduce query traffic but delay changes.
Monitor DNS Propagation After making changes, use DNS lookup tools to monitor the propagation status and confirm that updates are reflected globally.
Secure DNS Records Implement DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) to protect against spoofing and cache poisoning attacks. Ensure strong access control methods for managing DNS settings.
Backup DNS Settings Regularly back up your DNS settings to facilitate quick restoration if needed. Hostinger often provides backup and restoration options.
Verify Record Functionality Test your DNS records after creation or modification to ensure that services such as email, website access, and subdomains are functioning correctly.

By following these best practices, you can effectively manage your Hostinger DNS nameservers and ensure optimal performance and security for your domain and associated services.

Fun Fact: “Hostinger’s DNS infrastructure is designed to provide fast propagation times, meaning that changes to DNS records are updated across the internet quickly.”

Troubleshooting DNS Issues with Hostinger

A. Common DNS Problems and Their Solutions

Common DNS Problem 🔥 Description 📊 Solution 🔧
DNS Propagation Delays Changes to Hostinger DNS nameservers may take time to propagate, causing temporary errors or inconsistencies. Wait for 24-48 hours for full propagation. Use DNS lookup tools to monitor progress and check TTL values to avoid delays.
Incorrect DNS Records Misconfigured records can lead to issues such as website downtime or email delivery problems. Verify records in Hostinger’s DNS Zone Editor. Check for typos, incorrect IPs, or outdated entries and correct them.
DNS Resolution Errors Errors like “Server Not Found” or “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN” indicate issues with DNS records. Confirm that Hostinger DNS nameservers are set correctly with your domain registrar. Use lookup tools to ensure records are resolving.
Email Delivery Issues Problems with MX records can lead to email not being delivered or received properly. Check MX records in Hostinger’s DNS Zone Editor. Ensure they point to the correct mail server with the right priority settings.
Website Not Loading Properly Website issues may arise from incorrect A or CNAME records. Review and update A and CNAME records in the DNS Zone Editor. Ensure they are pointing to the correct IP addresses or domains.
DNS Security Issues Without DNSSEC, your domain is vulnerable to DNS attacks such as spoofing and cache poisoning. Enable DNSSEC in Hostinger’s settings to protect against these attacks and enhance domain security.

B. How to Check DNS Propagation Status

Method 💻 Description 📊 Steps 🚀
Use Online DNS Check Tools Tools to check DNS propagation across multiple servers globally.
  1. What’s My DNS: Visit What’s My DNS. Enter your domain and select the record type you want to verify (e.g., A, CNAME).
  2. DNS Checker: Use DNS Checker to monitor DNS changes and verify propagation.
Check Through Command Line Command-line tools to directly query DNS records.
  1. Windows: Open Command Prompt and use nslookup to check DNS records. Example: nslookup yourdomain.com.
  2. Mac/Linux: Open Terminal and use dig to obtain DNS details. Example: dig yourdomain.com.
Monitor DNS Changes Regularly check the status after updating DNS nameservers to ensure full propagation. Use the online tools and command-line methods periodically to track when changes are fully propagated across the internet.

C. Contacting Hostinger Support for Assistance

Support Method 💬 Description 📊 Steps 🚀
Access Hostinger Support Get help with your issues directly through Hostinger’s support channels.
  1. Login to Your Hostinger Account: Go to your Hostinger control panel.
  2. Support Center: Visit Hostinger’s Support Center for articles and FAQs.
Submit a Support Ticket Request assistance by providing detailed information about your issue.
  1. Submit a Request: If you can’t resolve the issue through the Support Center, submit a support ticket.
  2. Include Relevant Information: Provide your domain name, specific DNS records, and any error messages encountered.
Live Chat and Email Support Get real-time or written help from Hostinger support.
  1. Live Chat: Use Hostinger’s live chat feature available in your control panel for immediate assistance.
  2. Email Support: Contact Hostinger via email for detailed help. Check the support section for the appropriate email address.
Phone Support Contact Hostinger directly via phone if available.
  1. Contact by Phone: If Hostinger offers phone support, call their support number for direct assistance. Check the support section of your control panel or website for the number.

By addressing common DNS issues, checking propagation status, and utilizing Hostinger’s support resources, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve any problems related to Hostinger DNS nameservers and ensure smooth operation of your domain and associated services.

Fun Fact: “Hostinger’s DNS nameservers automatically update DNS records, reducing the need for manual intervention and ensuring that DNS changes are applied seamlessly.”

Advanced DNS Topics

A. Custom Nameservers and Private DNS

Feature 🔔 Description 🔧 Steps to Set Up 💡
Custom Nameservers Custom nameservers allow you to use your own domain name for nameservers instead of default ones. This can enhance branding and provide a professional appearance.
  1. Create Host Records: Set up A records for your custom nameservers (e.g., ns1.yourdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com) in your DNS Zone Editor. Point these records to the IP addresses of your DNS servers.
  2. Register Nameservers: Register these nameservers with your domain registrar by specifying their associated IP addresses.
  3. Update Domain Settings: Change the nameserver settings at your domain registrar to point to your custom nameservers.
Private DNS Private DNS is a DNS server used exclusively within a private network or organization, providing enhanced control and security.
  1. Set Up DNS Server: Configure DNS server software on your private network.
  2. Configure Internal DNS Records: Set up DNS records specific to your internal network.
  3. Update Device Settings: Ensure that devices on your network are configured to use the private DNS server for resolving domain names.
  4. Manage Security and Access: Implement access controls and security measures to protect your private DNS server.

Key Benefits

Feature 🔔 Benefits 🔥
Custom Nameservers
  • Enhanced Branding: Use your own domain name for nameservers, enhancing your brand’s professionalism.
  • Improved Control: Manage your own nameservers for greater flexibility and customization.
Private DNS
  • Enhanced Security: Reduces exposure to external threats by keeping DNS queries within a private network.
  • Custom Configurations: Allows for specialized configurations and internal domain resolution.
  • Better Control: Full control over DNS queries and settings within the private network.

B. DNS Security and Protection

Feature 🔒 Description 📎 Implementation 🔧
DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) DNSSEC enhances DNS security by digitally signing DNS responses, protecting against DNS spoofing and cache poisoning attacks.
  1. Enable DNSSEC: Ensure DNSSEC is supported by your domain registrar and DNS hosting provider. Activate DNSSEC through your hosting control panel or registrar settings.
  2. Generate Keys: Create DNSSEC keys and configure them in your DNS settings.
  3. Sign Zones: Sign your DNS zones with DNSSEC keys and publish DS (Delegation Signer) records at your domain registrar.
DDoS Protection Protects your DNS infrastructure from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can overwhelm servers with excessive traffic and cause domain inaccessibility.
  1. Use a CDN with DDoS Protection: Implement services like Cloudflare or Sucuri that provide integrated DNS and website protection against DDoS attacks.
  2. Rate Limiting and Traffic Filtering: Apply rate limiting and traffic filtering rules to reduce the impact of DDoS attacks and manage traffic more effectively.
DNS Filtering Blocks access to harmful websites and content by filtering DNS queries based on predefined rules, enhancing security and preventing access to malicious domains.
  1. Use DNS Filtering Services: Choose DNS filtering services with threat intelligence that can block known malicious domains.
  2. Configure Filtering Rules: Set up rules to filter out harmful sites and protect your network from potential threats.

C. DNS Performance Optimization

Technique 💻 Description 📎 Implementation 🔧
Use of Anycast DNS Anycast is a routing technique where multiple servers share the same IP address, and DNS queries are routed to the nearest or most optimal server.
  1. Choose a DNS Provider: Select a DNS provider that supports Anycast routing.
  2. Configure Anycast: Ensure your DNS provider has implemented Anycast for optimal performance and redundancy.
  3. Verify Setup: Use network monitoring tools to confirm that Anycast routing is properly in place and functioning.
Optimizing TTL Values TTL (Time to Live) specifies how long DNS records are cached by resolvers. Proper TTL values can help balance between update frequency and server load.
  1. Set Short TTL for Dynamic Records: Use shorter TTLs (e.g., 300 seconds) for records that change frequently, like A records for load balancers.
  2. Set Long TTL for Stable Records: Use longer TTLs (e.g., 86400 seconds) for stable records, like MX records, to reduce DNS query load.
  3. Monitor TTL Effectiveness: Adjust TTL settings based on performance and update needs.
DNS Caching DNS caching stores DNS query responses to reduce the need for repeated queries, speeding up response times and lessening server load.
  1. Enable Local Caching: Configure DNS caching on local networks or client devices to improve response times.
  2. Configure DNS Cache Settings: Adjust caching settings on your DNS servers to optimize performance and manage cache durations.
  3. Regularly Review Cache Performance: Assess the effectiveness of caching and make necessary adjustments to enhance performance.
Monitoring and Performance Analysis Regularly analyze DNS performance to ensure optimal operation, including query performance, response times, and server uptime.
  1. Use DNS Performance Tools: Employ tools like DNSPerf or Pingdom to monitor query performance and server response times.
  2. Conduct Regular Reviews: Periodically review DNS performance metrics to identify issues and areas for improvement.
  3. Adjust Configurations: Based on performance data, adjust DNS settings and configurations to optimize overall performance and reliability.

By exploring these advanced DNS topics, you can enhance the functionality, security, and performance of your Hostinger DNS nameservers and ensure that your domain and associated services operate efficiently and securely.

Fun Fact: “Hostinger supports DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions), which adds an extra layer of security to DNS queries by protecting against DNS spoofing and cache poisoning attacks.”


A. Recap of Hostinger’s DNS Services:

In this guide, we have explored the comprehensive DNS services offered by Hostinger. From understanding DNS nameservers and their role in website hosting to setting up and managing DNS records, Hostinger provides a robust and user-friendly platform for effective DNS management. With tools like the DNS Zone Editor, custom nameserver options, and advanced DNS features, Hostinger ensures that you have the control and flexibility needed for optimal domain performance and security.

B. Advantages of Using Hostinger for DNS Management:

Advantage 💰 Description Benefit
User-Friendly Interface Hostinger’s DNS Zone Editor simplifies the process of creating, editing, and managing DNS records. Makes DNS management accessible to beginners and reduces complexity.
Custom and Private DNS Options Offers the ability to set up custom nameservers and private DNS. Enhances branding and provides greater security and control.
Advanced Security Features Supports DNSSEC and provides DDoS protection. Protects against DNS spoofing, cache poisoning, and other security threats.
Performance Optimization Includes features like Anycast DNS and DNS caching. Improves DNS resolution speed and overall performance.
Reliable Support Provides comprehensive support resources, including live chat and ticket-based assistance. Ensures access to help when needed, addressing issues quickly and efficiently.

C. Explore Further:

To fully leverage the benefits of Hostinger DNS nameservers, we encourage you to delve deeper into the platform’s features and capabilities. Whether you’re setting up your first domain, optimizing DNS performance, or exploring advanced DNS configurations, Hostinger offers the tools and support you need. Take advantage of the various resources and support options available to enhance your DNS management and ensure your website’s reliability and security.

For more detailed guidance or personalized assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Hostinger’s support team or explore their extensive knowledge base. Embrace the full potential of Hostinger’s DNS services to achieve a seamless and efficient online presence.


Q: What are DNS nameservers and why are they important?

A: DNS nameservers are servers that translate domain names into IP addresses, allowing browsers to load websites. They are crucial for directing traffic from your domain to the correct hosting provider and ensuring your website is accessible.

Q: What are Hostinger’s default DNS nameservers?

A: Hostinger’s default DNS nameservers typically are:

  • ns1.dns-parking.com
  • ns2.dns-parking.com

These nameservers direct your domain to Hostinger’s servers. If you use Hostinger for hosting, you should set your domain’s nameservers to these values.

Q: How do I update my domain’s nameservers to Hostinger’s?

A: To update your domain’s nameservers to Hostinger’s, log in to your domain registrar’s control panel, find the DNS or nameserver settings section, and replace the current nameservers with Hostinger’s. Save the changes and allow some time for DNS propagation.

Q: Can I use custom DNS nameservers with Hostinger?

A: Yes, you can use custom DNS nameservers with Hostinger. If you prefer to use a third-party DNS provider, you can update the nameserver settings in your domain registrar’s control panel to point to the DNS nameservers provided by your chosen provider.

Q: What should I do if my website is not working after changing nameservers?

A: If your website is not working after changing nameservers, check that you have entered the correct nameserver addresses and that they are properly propagated. DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate fully. Ensure your DNS records (A, MX, CNAME, etc.) are correctly configured. If issues persist, contact Hostinger support for assistance.

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