top 10 web design tips

Top 10 Web Design Tips to Improve Your Website in 2022

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Do you know that the success of your business website majorly depends on its design? A well-designed website has always a higher success rate than ordinary websites. It helps you grow your business by converting visitors into customers. So if you have recently started a website and you are looking for ways to improve your web design, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to discuss the top 10 web design tips highly effective to improve your website.

Importance of Web Design

Web design is one of the main factors to judge a company’s credibility. It has a direct impact on website conversions, bounce rates, and overall web performance.

Whether your audience will like your website or not, it depends on the way how you design it. If you have a well-designed website, you can easily create a good first impression on your visitors and turn them into customers. But if you have a poorly designed website, neither you can grow your business nor can you achieve online success. A poorly designed website always fails to impress visitors. If a user cannot navigate between your web pages easily, s/he will switch to other well-designed websites.

Therefore, whenever you start a website, make sure you design it perfectly to keep your audience engaged. But many of you do not know how to build a successful website. Whenever a beginner start building a website, s/he might face a lot of challenges. It is easy to build a website only when you have the correct information. Thankfully, you can find many articles on the internet that can help you build your first website without requiring any coding knowledge. But how to get a successful website?

Top 10 Web Design Tips

There are a few basic web design tips you need to learn and remember so you can use them while building a website. If you have a well-designed and well-optimized website, it has a higher chance of success. Below are the top 10 web design tips that will help you improve your website:

#1 – Choosing the Right Theme

Everybody wants to build a successful website. And behind any successful website, its theme plays an essential role. Your website’s design and style completely depend on the theme you choose. A website theme includes layout, style elements, color scheme, and much more. So overall, the theme of your website represents your brand and it has a direct impact on the user experience. If you choose WordPress as your CMS platform, you get plenty of theme options (free as well as premium ones).

Sometimes it becomes very difficult to choose the right WordPress theme because there are too many choices. When you are choosing a theme, make sure it suits your business the best. Also, make sure the theme you choose is customizable so you can customize according to your requirement.

You can check out these best premium WordPress themes you should use once.

#2 – Choosing the Right Color Scheme

Your website can never look beautiful and attractive if you use the worst color combinations like Red and Blue. So it is very crucial to choose the right color scheme to build a successful and high-quality website. A website with the right color scheme looks more professional and attractive. Do not forget that the first impression is the last, and you can make a good impression on your visitors by using the right color scheme.

You can refer to this article to understand how color affects outcomes in web design.

#3 – Speed Should Be Your Priority

If you are building your first website, you should never neglect the importance of your website’s load speed. Having a slow-loading website will impact your site’s user experience negatively. If your website responds slowly, your visitors spend less time there. This will increase the bounce rate. Having a slow-loading website will not only affect your brand credibility but also hurt your SEO ranking. So make sure you build a website as fast as possible. You can achieve a lot by speeding up your website.

#4 – Keep it Clean and Simple

The rule of thumb to design a successful website is to keep it clean and as simple as possible. Simple web design is scientifically better than a complex one. Many people think that they can build a beautiful website by adding too many elements along with a complex design. But that is not true. You can never impress your audience with a complex design. Because if your website is visually complex, your visitors will never like it. Whereas a simple and clean website can attract the audience and keep them engaged around it.

Whatever theme you choose for your website, you have to stick to the standard layouts. This will create less distraction so that your visitors can put all their focus clearly on the content.

#5 – Easy to Navigate

Simple and intuitive navigation is one of the most important designing aspects you should keep in mind while building a website. No matter how beautifully you design your website, all your efforts will go in vain if it does not have an easy navigation style. Let’s suppose a user visits your website but does not find the information he is looking for. In that case, he will leave your site immediately and never visit it again. So make sure your website is easy to navigate.

By using an easy navigation style on your website, your visitors will be able to navigate the web pages to find what they want.

#6 – Use Images Effectively

Images are very important for a website because a picture is worth a thousand words. According to a survey, people remember only 20% of what they read and 80% of what they see. So you can imagine how powerful an image can be. Instead of putting a thousand words content, you can simply use an infographic image that will capture the attention of your visitors. High-quality images will help your website get more views. This will increase user engagement and decrease the bounce rate of your website.

You can design images either by yourself or find them on Google, social media, or any stock photography site. But remember, you have to use the images without violating copyright.

#7 – High-Quality Content

Content is the main reason why people visit your website. Your content is as important as the design of your website. To build a successful website, you need a beautiful design and a great piece of content. If your web content is poorly written, your audience will never understand what you are trying to deliver. High-quality content is the key to a successful website. It delivers the right message to your visitors. You have to make sure that your site’s readability is high so that your target audience can easily understand and visualize your message.

So overall, using high-quality web content is one of the most important web design tips.

#8 – Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

You have to build your website with mobile users in mind. Today over 80% of users are using smartphones to access the internet. So if you have a mobile-friendly website, you can reach a wider audience than usual. You can improve your search visibility and user experience. You can also build a strong brand identity with a mobile-friendly website. Besides, a mobile-friendly website is great from SEO’s point of view.

#9 – Include Social Share Buttons

Do not forget to include social share and follow buttons on your website so that your users can share your content on different social platforms. Not only your visitors but also you can use these buttons. Whenever you create a new post or a web page, you can share that on your social channels. Remember, traffic from social media can bring great value to your website. If you do not provide your visitors with a social sharing option, they cannot share your content on social media.

#10 – Things to Avoid

This is the last and perhaps one of the most important web design tips. So far we have learned what to add to improve your website. Now it is time to learn about the things you should avoid. There are certain elements on your website that can cause a huge distraction and affect your website’s overall performance. Complicated animations, heavy multimedia objects, lengthy content, and keyword stuffing are a few common things on the list that you should avoid.

The process of creating a new website is much more automated than many people realize. The more difficult task becomes figuring out which site is best suited for your needs. A little bit of planning goes a long way. Here is an excellent resource to read on a website builder.


Hopefully, the above 10 web design tips will help you improve your website. These are the basic web design tips that you have to keep in mind while building a new website. If you have some additional tips or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments section below.


Icons made by Adib Sulthon from

One Response

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